Follow a proper die:
You should know that an inadequate diet leads to problems with digestion and other medical conditions that in turn lead to formation of dry hairs. Take regular dosage of B vitamins, Inositol, Folic acid, and minerals (magnesium, sulfur and zinc). B vitamins are important for the health and growth of the hair. Vitamins B are found in beans, peas, carrots, cauliflower, soy beans, nutritional yeast, bran, nuts and eggs. So follow a healthy diet that is rich in proteins, vitamins and other nutrients so that you have a beautiful hair.
Have biotin supplements:
Biotin is very important for hair health. It is needed for healthy hair and skin. Eat plenty of foods high in biotin and/ or take it in supplemental form. Biotin is present in brewer’s yeast, brown rice, bulgur, green peas, lentils, oats, soybeans, sunflower seeds, and walnuts. You can also use hair care products containing biotin. Inositol, Folic acid and minerals are also vital for hair growth. Healthy fatty acids from fish like salmon and tuna are also important to improve hair texture and prevent dry, brittle hair.
Do not burden your hair with chemicals:
Excessive shampooing leads to damage of hair. While shampoos are really essential to cleanse your hair, these will also wear off the natural oils produced. Use quality products only that are specially meant for your hair type. Also, use a conditioner compulsorily after the shampoo so that you can prevent it from drying out further. Remember not to use the conditioner on hair near your scalp as this part is naturally oiled by sebaceous glands. Towels dry your hair whenever possible..


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